甜點|法式櫻桃布丁塔 Clafoutis

上次採的櫻桃還剩好多,放在冰箱裡快兩個禮拜後,今天決定好好把它們收納進冷凍庫,以後可以再拿出來做甜點或果醬。前幾天趁美國Memorial Day連假,又進廚房嘗試了第二個櫻桃甜點,法士櫻桃布丁塔Clafoutis! 傳統的Clafoutis是只有櫻桃+布丁的一道甜點,做了一些功課,發現網路上許多人還會烤一層塔皮把它變成水果布丁塔,試做之後成果意外的有層次又好吃❤️覺得以後把櫻桃換成別的水果,也毫無違和感啊~

How to Use a Urine Test Kit

Urine test kits are valuable tools for monitoring health conditions and detecting abnormalities in the body. Whether you’re managing a chronic illness or simply want to keep track of your health, understanding how to use a urine test kit is essential. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of urine test kits, from their components to the interpretation of results.

Types of Urine Test Kits

There are two main types of urine test kits: over-the-counter kits and professional-grade kits. Over-the-counter kits are readily available at pharmacies and online retailers, designed for home use. Professional-grade kits are typically used in medical settings and offer more comprehensive testing capabilities.

Understanding the Components

Urine test kits typically include test strips, collection cups, and an instruction manual. Test strips contain chemical reagents that react with various substances in the urine, indicating levels of different parameters such as glucose, protein, ketones, and pH. Collection cups are used to collect urine samples, while the instruction manual provides guidance on how to perform the test accurately more information ndtv.com/.

How to Use a Urine Test Kit

Using a urine test kit is relatively straightforward. Begin by carefully reading the instructions provided with the kit. Prepare by ensuring cleanliness, and collect a urine sample in the provided collection cup. Dip the test strip into the urine sample according to the instructions, then wait for the specified amount of time before comparing the color changes on the test strip to the color chart provided.

Interpreting Results

Interpreting the results of a urine test involves comparing the color changes on the test strip to the reference chart provided in the kit. Different parameters will have corresponding color changes, indicating normal or abnormal levels. It’s essential to understand what each parameter measures and what abnormal results may indicate regarding your health.

Benefits of Using Urine Test Kits

Urine test kits offer several benefits, including convenience, cost-effectiveness, and privacy. They allow individuals to monitor their health from the comfort of their own homes without the need for frequent visits to healthcare facilities.

Limitations of Urine Test Kits

While urine test kits are useful tools, they do have limitations. Factors such as accuracy and the potential need for confirmation tests should be considered. In some cases, abnormal results may require further evaluation by a healthcare professional.

Who Should Use Urine Test Kits

Urine test kits can be used by individuals who need to monitor specific health conditions, as well as by healthcare professionals in clinical settings. They are particularly beneficial for managing conditions such as diabetes, urinary tract infections, and kidney disorders.

Safety Precautions

It’s essential to follow safety precautions when using urine test kits, including proper disposal of used kits and adherence to storage guidelines. Additionally, maintaining cleanliness during the testing process helps ensure accurate results.

Tips for Accurate Results

To obtain accurate results with a urine test kit, it’s crucial to follow the instructions carefully and ensure that the test strip is fully immersed in the urine sample. Avoid contaminating the sample and store the kit according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

上星期做黑森林蛋糕的時候心想應該不會用太多櫻桃,就用手一個個把櫻桃籽剝掉,沒想到之後手指痛了一天😅 回頭看看冰箱,還有像座山一樣高的櫻桃等著我,所以決定敗了這個專門去櫻桃籽的工具(這場居家隔離到底要拜掉多少廚房工具XD)😂


Clafoutis 法式櫻桃布丁,是源自於法國中部的一道甜點,傳統上就是黑櫻桃+布丁的組合,後來又發展出許多變化,包括做成櫻桃塔,或是把櫻桃用其他水果取代,研究食譜的過程中還看到許多人把櫻桃換成藍莓、草莓、橘子、李子等水果塔組合。這次試做完試吃之後,才瞭解為什麼會有這麼多的食譜變化,因為水果+布丁塔的組合酸甜又有層次,實在太好吃了!下次會想再用黑莓試試看,清涼酸甜的水果布丁塔,最適合這樣的炎炎夏日了🙂

這次最後參考的食譜主要是Butter Baking不萊嗯的法式櫻桃塔,不萊嗯的食譜影片很容易follow,想要試做櫻桃塔的朋友們可以去參考,這篇就純分享我的試做心得,不多加闡述了。

塔皮的部分,大家可以參考在甜牙齒分享過的基礎法式派皮技巧Pâte Brisée,學會基礎技巧後,各種塔皮都可以駕馭了。

這次用的櫻桃塔皮材料是低筋麵粉250g + 糖粉100g攪拌均勻,加入125g冰冷的無鹽奶油,快速搓揉均勻後加入一顆冰冷的全蛋,就可以放到保鮮膜上整成一個圓餅狀放冰箱冷藏四小時至隔夜備用。





前幾天美國國定假日放假,以往都會趁著連假外出旅遊,這次因為疫情的關係大部分待在家,只有去家附近人煙稀少的公園爬爬山放風一下😂深刻感受到雖然平常都在同一個空間上班,可以轉換心情在家休息、放空頭腦是一件非常有益身心健康的事,就連在電視機前追劇都幸福感十足😆 現在還像我一樣需要每天待在家工作的朋友,如果偶爾感到倦怠(or 厭世XD),放個一天半天假真的會很有幫助喔!

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