About 關於甜牙齒

Sakura Matcha Baked Donuts Inspired by Springtime in Japan 櫻花抹茶甜甜圈,靈感來自日本的春天

甜牙齒是英文Sweet Tooth的直接翻譯,意思是愛吃甜食的人!
當設計出可愛又好吃的甜點時,就會超級有成就感 ♥ 像是這個櫻花抹茶甜甜圈



Backpacking and Hiking in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile 在智利百內國家公園背包健行

Hi, I’m Mona. Welcome to my food and travel blog!
Onesweettooth.com is a website started in 2014 where I share my passion for baking, and inspiration from traveling.
I’m excited to share with you some of my baking creations, such as this Sakura Matcha Baked Donuts, inspired by Springtime in Japan;  I also love backpacking trips and shared a few travel stories/experiences in my blog, such as this What to Pack for Hiking Trips to Machu Picchu, and Backpacking in Patagonia.

Hope you enjoy reading my blog.  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to interact or contact me.  You can also find me on Facebook & Instagram.  Thanks for stopping by!

About Mona 關於夢娜

台北出生長大的台灣人。在瘋狂又爆肝的輔大廣告系操練了四年之後為了實現從小的夢想到紐約州就讀商學研究所,目前旅居舊金山從事有趣的分析工作 閒暇之餘喜歡旅行、閱讀、音樂、設計及探索美食文化。到異地求學工作一路上遇到許多文化衝擊以及發生太多有趣的故事,由於對美食的熱愛,開始追隨大廚和烘培師傅的腳步,一步一步學習料理和烘培的奧秘!除此之外,我也很喜歡到世界各地背包旅行和健行,深信著用雙腳旅行是最能深入世界各個角落的旅行方式。創立甜牙齒部落格將在這裡的見聞和學習和大家分享,也希望可以帶著台灣和亞洲文化和來自世界各地的朋友交流。

Born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan, I was surrounded by a world that takes eating very seriously.  From local street food such as the famous pork belly bun (Gua Bao) and bubble milk tea, to high-end gourmet delicacies that takes years of experience to master, such as dumplings (Xiaolongbao) at Din Tai Fung and the signature beef noodle soup that we all can’t live without.  Growing up at a place where eating is a big thing, I’ve learned to appreciate different food culture, and love to discover all kinds of culinary scenes when I travel.

I currently live in the US, where I work at a tech company at day, and a homecook with mission at night.  You’ll see a lot of my food ideas and creations in this blog.  I also love everything about backpacking and hiking, and believe the best way to explore a place and discover local stories is by foot.

I’m glad you’re here, and I hope you enjoy reading my blog!  Cheers!


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