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Potential side effects of CBD gummies

Dry Mouth

One potential side effect of consuming CBD gummies is experiencing dry mouth. This is a common occurrence and can be attributed to the way CBD interacts with our salivary glands. When you consume CBD, it can temporarily reduce saliva production, leading to a dry sensation in your mouth.

Drowsiness or Fatigue

In some cases, high doses of CBD may cause drowsiness or fatigue. This effect varies from person to person, as everyone’s body reacts differently to CBD. If you find yourself feeling excessively tired after taking CBD gummies, it might be an indication that the dosage is too high for you.

Gastrointestinal Discomfort

While rare, some individuals may experience gastrointestinal discomfort after consuming CBD gummies. This could manifest as stomach pain, diarrhea, or nausea. If you notice any adverse effects on your digestive system after taking CBD gummies, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional.

It’s crucial to note that these side effects are generally mild and temporary. Most people tolerate CBD gummies well without experiencing any negative effects. However, it’s always wise to start with a low dosage and gradually increase if needed while monitoring how your body responds.

When considering the potential side effects of CBD gummies, it’s essential to weigh them against the possible benefits they may offer in managing conditions such as anxiety or chronic pain. It’s also important to remember that not everyone will experience these side effects and that individual reactions may vary.

Finding Your Perfect Running Shoes

Trying on multiple pairs of running shoes is crucial in finding the best fit for your feet. Don’t settle for the first pair you try on, as different brands and models can vary in terms of comfort and performance. Seek advice from knowledgeable staff or experts at a specialty running store to ensure you make an informed decision.

When testing out different shoes, pay close attention to your personal preferences and comfort levels. Remember, what works for someone else may not work for you. Consider factors such as cushioning, arch support, and shoe size range.

Here are some key points to keep in mind when searching for the perfect running shoes:

Importance of trying on multiple pairs before making a decision

Trying on multiple pairs allows you to compare different features and find the best fit.

It helps you determine which shoes provide adequate support and cushioning for your specific needs.

Seeking professional advice from knowledgeable staff or experts if needed

The expertise of professionals can guide you towards choosing the right type of shoe based on your running style, foot shape, and any specific concerns or conditions.

Understanding personal preferences and comfort levels during testing

Pay attention to how the shoes feel while walking or running.

Take note of any discomfort or areas where the shoe rubs against your foot.

Remember that finding the perfect pair of running shoes may take some time and experimentation. Don’t rush into a decision; instead, invest time in trying out various options until you find the one that feels just right for you.

Recap of the Best Running Shoe Options

Now that we’ve covered the factors to consider when choosing running shoes and highlighted the top running shoe options for 2023, it’s time to find your perfect pair. Remember, finding the right running shoes is crucial for a comfortable and injury-free running experience. Take into account your foot type, gait, and any specific needs you may have as a heavy runner. Look for key features like ample cushioning and support to protect your joints.

To make the most informed decision, try on different pairs of running shoes and take them for a test run. Pay attention to how they feel on your feet – do they provide enough stability? Are they comfortable? Trust your instincts and choose the pair that feels like it was made specifically for you. Lace up those shoes, hit the pavement, and get ready to conquer your running goals!


What are some signs that my running shoes need to be replaced?

If you start experiencing more discomfort or pain during or after runs, it may be a sign that your running shoes need replacing. Visible wear and tear on the outsole or midsole can indicate that the cushioning and support have deteriorated.

Can I use my running shoes for other activities?

While it’s best to reserve your running shoes solely for running to maintain their longevity, some models can be versatile enough for light cross-training activities such as gym workouts or casual walks.

How often should I replace my running shoes?

On average, you should replace your running shoes every 300-500 miles (480-800 kilometers). However, this can vary depending on factors like body weight, foot strike pattern, terrain conditions, and shoe construction.

Are expensive running shoes always better?

Not necessarily. The price tag doesn’t always guarantee superior performance or comfort. It’s important to focus on finding a pair of running shoes that suits your individual needs rather than solely relying on the price.

旅行的時候,總是很喜歡選擇有故事有文化的歇腳處,因為每當回憶起一段旅程,印象最深刻,也是最能喚起嘴角一抹微笑的,常常是民宿老闆和同宿的旅客們的精彩人生故事。像是在智利百內國家公園健行時遇到南韓一位白髮蒼蒼的阿姨,在工作三十年後毅然決然辭職,一個人背著背包,就這樣開始南美洲的健行 ; 或是在秘魯馬丘比丘健行的路上,造訪營地附近安地斯山脈中的咖啡小農,被一對母女開朗樂觀的人生觀感動。而這次的台東行,也因為想要圓住在海邊的夢想,每天早上在海浪的拍打聲中醒來,而和家人一起下塌位於都蘭山腳下,杉原海灣旁的海水藍民宿。結果沒有想到比海景民宿更精彩的,是鄭老闆信手捻來對於家鄉台東的熱愛與數不盡的人生故事。

這次和家人一起的花東旅行,由於一直憧憬住在海邊,最好是一醒來走到陽台就可以看到海景的地方,做足了功課,最後大家一致決定來到位於台東卑南鄉都蘭山腳下的海水藍民宿 – 位於絕佳的地理位置,沿著台11線花東海岸公路,往北一路會經過金樽眺望台、到東河買包子、都歷海灘(台灣版天空之鏡)、三仙台、石雨傘、烏石鼻漁港、八仙洞 ; 往南則可以到富岡漁港吃海鮮、晚上到台東市區逛逛、還可以到達太麻里,一瞥全台灣最美麗的多良車站 。

Effective THC Detox Products for Passing Drug Tests

To successfully pass a drug test, it’s crucial to understand the importance of THC detoxification. Luckily, there are effective products available that are specifically designed to flush out THC from your system. Let’s explore these products and different detox methods in detail.

Understand the Importance of THC Detox

THC, the psychoactive compound found in marijuana, can linger in your body for an extended period. When facing a drug test, it’s essential to eliminate traces of THC to avoid detection. This is where THC detoxification becomes crucial.

Different Types of THC Detox Methods

There are various methods you can use to detoxify your body from THC. These include pills, capsules, teas, and other specialized products. Each method works differently and may have varying effectiveness depending on factors such as the amount of THC consumed and the frequency of use.

Discover Effective THC Detox Products

When choosing a product for THC detoxification, it’s important to consider its reliability and efficiency. Here are some highly recommended options:

Detox drinks: These beverages contain ingredients that help flush out toxins from your body quickly.

Detox kits: These comprehensive kits often include a combination of pills or capsules along with dietary guidelines to aid in detoxification.

Detox teas: Herbal teas infused with natural ingredients can assist in cleansing your system.

The Most Reliable and Efficient Products

While there are numerous products claiming to be effective for passing drug tests, not all deliver on their promises. It’s crucial to choose reliable brands known for producing high-quality detox products. Some popular options include:

Rescue Cleanse: A trusted brand offering detox drinks that have been successful for many users.

Toxin Rid: Known for its thorough cleansing process, Toxin Rid offers various kits tailored to different levels of THC exposure.

Remember that effectiveness may vary depending on individual factors such as body weight and metabolism. It’s always a good idea to follow the instructions provided with the product and consult with a healthcare professional if needed.


/ 海水藍民宿 Aquamarine
官網:海水藍官網 | Booking.com訂房連結
電話:0905-631-051 鄭先生
Email: aquamarine280201@gmail.com


  • 我們一家四口這次訂的是溫馨海景四人房
  • 主廚每日精心打理的美味早餐一份
  • 火車站及機場接送服務(須事先打電話預約)
  • 公共設施附有冰箱、飲水機、茶包、雀巢膠囊咖啡、大廳無線上網

[甜牙齒讀者優惠] 淡季訂四人房打訂房專線找鄭先生,只要說是『甜牙齒部落格/粉專』可以享九折優惠喔!(旺季:寒暑假、中秋連假、國慶連假、元旦連假、春節)


房間的部分這次我們住的是溫馨海景四人房,家人都很喜歡這樣寬闊的空間 – 房內提供咖啡機、膠囊咖啡、冰箱等,而寬敞的衛浴也配備日式免治馬桶、浴缸、乾濕分離衛浴、盥洗用品、吹風機(超重要!)、以及法國Mimare高級精油沐浴系列用品(看到時很驚喜)。來台東玩時能住得這麼舒適,充分享受這裡的慢活生活,實在很幸福❤️


鄭老闆是在台北工作退休之後,搬回家鄉台東,與兒子一起打造夢想中的民宿,向世界各地的旅人展現家鄉的美 🙂 連餐廳的吧台都是父子一起畫設計圖再一起完成的,看著鄭老闆邊帶我們參觀民宿的每個角落,邊訴說著他們是如何將夢想中的民宿一點一滴的打造出來,實在非常令人感動。台東,真的是一個充滿夢想的地方 🙂



這次聽鄭老闆的推薦,四天三夜裡我們花一天玩民宿以北的景點、另一天參觀民宿以南的景點,還花了一天在池上鄉,中途還會停下來喝杯咖啡,吃頓好吃的午餐,喜歡這樣充實又慢活的行程。民宿以北的景點我們玩了:加母子灣海灘、金樽遊憩區、達麓岸部落屋、東河、都歷海灘(天空之鏡) 、成功豆花、三仙台、石雨傘、烏石鼻漁港 ; 池上的部分我們參觀了文化故事館,也不免俗的去看了金城武樹😆

/ 加母子灣海灘和金樽遊憩區,當天天氣陰陰的,涼爽的海風卻別有番風味 🙂


/ 達麓岸部落屋 – 傳統是阿美族工作搭建的茅草屋,在這邊可以看到壯麗的山海景,如果對他們的阿美族無菜單料理有興趣,記得要先打電話預約喔。這次也買了他們自己做的堅果辣椒沾醬,回家拌麵吃❤️


/ 願井民宿喝杯咖啡 拉丁異國風情
再往北玩的途中,和鄭老闆一起來了這家充滿西班牙異國風情的民宿喝杯咖啡,享受東海岸的愜意❤️ 左下角掛在牆上的畫是老闆娘在還沒經營民宿前畫的夢想,沒想到現在夢想實現了,而現在的民宿,長得跟畫裡當初想像的一模一樣 🙂 覺得台東真是個充滿夢想的地方,讓世界各地的旅人來到這裡都捨不得離開。


/ 都歷海灘 – 又稱台灣的天空之鏡,大家如果想拍網美照可以上網搜尋一下很多網友絕美的照片,如果想要在天氣好時拍到絕佳的倒影,建議一定要查一下中央氣象局的潮汐預報(選擇成功台東沿海),不過陰涼的天氣更適合慵懶的行程啊(難怪做不成網美😁)~

/ 成功豆花

/ 三仙台風景區


/ 海鮮控口袋名單 – 美娥海產餐廳
就這樣吃喝玩樂了一整天,都住在海邊了,回到民宿前大家也想吃一頓美味的海鮮大餐😁 民宿老闆推薦的美娥海鮮餐廳就在富岡漁港附近、離台東市區不遠處,看了一下網路上的評論才發現這間海產店小有名氣,常常滿座沒有位子,所以想去吃的朋友們記得先打電話訂位。我們站在海鮮櫃前點了不少好好吃的海鮮料理,包括招牌飛魚卵炒飯、新鮮炸小魚、螃蟹粉絲煲等等,下次去台東還會想再去~

/ 池上鄉
有時間的話,也可以安排一天到池上鄉騎腳踏車,享受田園的風情,拜訪遠近馳名的金城武樹。這次特別安排一天和家人一起到池上鄉騎四人協力車,感受一下慢遊的悠閒步調~雖然這麼小的地方我們也可以騎到迷路,還要用Google Map 找方向,現在回想起來也是美好的回憶❤️ 話說這是我第一次來看這顆鼎鼎大名的樹,真是久仰大名😁


/富山護漁區 (全票$40 / 半票$20)
離民宿約開車一分鐘的距離,這是一個適合親子、寓教於樂、又可以坐在海邊的咖啡廳喝杯咖啡看看海的景點。前身是杉原海水浴場,現在規劃成魚類生態保育區,走過海上步道,可以在清澈的海水中看到各種魚群穿梭其中,也可以買條海藻饅頭($25)餵魚。海灘的木棧道上也有許多景觀咖啡廳,玩累了可以挑一間坐下休息,看海喝杯咖啡,享受一下台東專屬的慢活生活 🙂

/ 太麻里釋迦 – 美美釋迦
出來玩最愛買在地農產品了,一路往南的路上也到美美釋迦買了幾箱口感綿密的大目釋迦。老闆娘開朗又親切,店裡一箱箱的宅配訂單,讓老闆娘忙得不可開交,台東的釋迦好受歡迎!美美釋迦是從農夫轉型成的實體店面,自產自銷 – 現場老闆娘也很細心的將釋迦分成不同的熟度,依照遊客旅行的時間長短推薦不同熟度的釋迦。我們當下試吃後買了好幾箱帶回家,也想試試他們家的釋迦可以參考他們的宅配服務

/ 全台最美的火車站 – 多良車站


有全台灣最美的火車站之稱,眺望著太平洋的多良車站 (來源: 台灣觀光局)

/ 台東市區 – 台東鐵道藝術村

/ 台東美食:市區美食+觀光夜市

這次四天三夜的台東之旅又重新讓我體驗了台東是一個多麼美麗、純樸又悠閒的地方,一路上邂逅的人們、民宿的老闆、還有從別的國家來旅行的背包客愛上台東就因此定居下來的旅人…讓我重新認識了台東不但是個可以來放慢腳步享受慢活生活的地方,更是許多夢想的起點 🙂 台東,期待下次的相聚❤️


/ 海水藍民宿 Aquamarine
官網:海水藍官網 | Booking.com訂房連結
電話:0905-631-051 鄭先生
Email: aquamarine280201@gmail.com

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