料理|香煎肋眼牛排 Ribeye Steak


Benefits of Buying a Rolex Replica Watch

Rolex watches are renowned for their luxury, prestige, and craftsmanship. However, the price tag associated with authentic Rolex timepieces can often be prohibitive for many consumers. This is where Rolex replica watches come into play, offering a more affordable alternative without compromising on style or quality.

One of the primary benefits of buying a Rolex replica watch is the significant cost savings it offers compared to purchasing an authentic Rolex. Replica watches are typically priced much lower than their genuine counterparts, making them accessible to a wider range of consumers click shopluxwatches.co.

Wide Variety
Another advantage of opting for a Rolex replica is the extensive variety of styles and designs available. From classic models like the Submariner to iconic pieces like the Daytona, replica manufacturers offer a diverse selection to suit every taste and preference.

Quality Craftsmanship
While replica watches may not boast the same level of craftsmanship as authentic Rolex timepieces, many reputable replica manufacturers invest considerable time and effort into ensuring their products are of high quality. This includes using premium materials and employing skilled artisans to replicate the intricate details of genuine Rolex watches.

Things to Consider Before Buying a Rolex Replica Watch
Before purchasing a Rolex replica watch, there are several factors to consider to ensure you’re getting a quality product that meets your needs and expectations.

Reputation of the Seller
When shopping for a Rolex replica watch, it’s essential to research the reputation of the seller or manufacturer. Look for reviews and testimonials from previous customers to gauge the reliability and authenticity of the products they offer.

Materials Used
Pay attention to the materials used in the construction of the replica watch. High-quality replicas often feature stainless steel cases, sapphire crystals, and precise Swiss movements, closely resembling the components found in genuine Rolex watches.

Accuracy and Reliability
While replica watches may not offer the same level of precision as authentic Rolex timepieces, reputable manufacturers strive to achieve a high degree of accuracy and reliability in their products. Look for replicas that closely mimic the functionality and performance of genuine Rolex watches.

Return Policy
Before making a purchase, review the seller’s return policy to ensure you have recourse in case the replica watch does not meet your expectations or specifications. A generous return policy can provide peace of mind and assurance that you’re investing in a quality product.


最近工作爆炸忙,尤其從今年三月一直到現在的居家隔離,沒事不敢亂出門的狀況下,缺乏適時放鬆的管道,對自己和身邊的同事朋友其實都產生很多隱形的心理壓力,所以更加珍惜放假的日子。今天下班滑影片無意間又看到Gorden Ramsey的肋眼牛排,一想到今年從三月到現在都沒有去過餐廳,就決定既然沒辦法上館子,就自己來複製一下大師的牛排吧😆 在家大口吃肉也開心!(算是報復性進食嗎XD)


可能剛好下班又很餓,看完影片整個就是熱血沸騰 – 在如此熱血的情況下,就這樣衝去家附近的超市買了兩塊肋眼牛排(boneless ribeye steak),太瘋狂了竟然連口罩都差點忘了帶😅 又抓了一把迷迭香和新鮮蘆筍,就這樣開始今晚的大餐製作~

這次煎牛排只有準備迷迭香、奶油和蒜片,其實煎牛排真的很隨性,可以自己加喜歡的香料,經驗的累積和火侯的掌控,也可以更容易做出自己喜歡的熟度,我自己最喜歡吃肉質粉紅的四分熟(Medium Rare)到半熟(Medium)程度,也準備了肉類溫度計確保不會過熟(過熟真的就是殘念,有煎過大塊牛排的朋友一定能體會)。




時間和溫度的掌控真的很重要,為了避免煎過熟真的很難吃,我這次準備了溫度計來確保煎出來的牛排大概會是在四分熟的粉紅色程度。當將溫度計插在中間最生的位置,溫度大概在55度C (130度F) -57度C (135度F)之間,就是四分熟(Medium Rare),也就是切開來肉會是粉紅色的。我因為擔心拿出來後牛排在休息(resting)的期間還會繼續升溫,所以大概51度C (125度F)時就移開火源。

移開火源後把牛排轉移到架上,再將剛剛鍋中剩餘的醬汁都淋上,讓牛排好好的休息8-10分鐘 – 這個休息的階段很重要,煎好的牛排不要馬上切,肉汁才會完整的鎖住在牛排裡。如果曾經有一煎完就迫不及待切來吃的朋友,應該會發現一切開,一堆汁流出來 (又是殘念~),這樣肉吃起來就會乾乾的 ; 反之當肉有充分的時間休息,切開時是不會有汁流出來的,這就表示吃起來的牛排會非常多汁唷!



每當切牛排就是驗收成果的時間,切開來如果肉不是粉紅色真的會晴天霹靂,感謝計時器跟溫度計這些偉大的發明,讓我今天吃了一頓開心的肋眼牛排大餐,現在可以吃飽喝足的在甜牙齒和大家分享🙂 簡單的煎牛排,多多練習就可以做出比許多餐廳做的還好吃的牛排大餐,大家也可以在家試試喔~❤️

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